jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Thursday, March 19th

"Reforzamos que aquellas familias que no tengan los medios para imprimir las actividades los alumnos pueden responder las consignas en sus cuadernos/carpetas indicando a qué actividad refiere. NO es necesario que salgan  a imprimir ningún documento. Lo mismo aplica a experiencias o propuestas que necesiten de algún material, si no lo tienen en casa y no puede ser reemplazado, pueden completar las otras propuestas de actividades. 
Este período nos obliga a  trabajar en equipo, ser creativos, a tener paciencia, a aprender de este proceso y fundamentalmente a cuidarnos mucho. " 

Thursday, March 19th

1) First, let's play a game. Can you put the alphabet in order? Easy piecy BUT you only have 30 seconds to do it. Good luck! Click here to start playing.

2) Now, we are ready to begin. Go and look for your English copybook and 

  1.  Write the date: Wednesday, March 18th. 
  2. How's the weather like today? Write it under the date.

3) “The Red Rubber ball” Remember the story? It is about traditional games. 
Ask your family:  What games did you use to play when you were younger? Which are traditional games from Argentina? 
Write them down in your copybook.

Example: My father/sister/brother/mother/aunt/uncle/grandma/grandpa used to play…..

4) Choose one traditional game of any country that you know and complete the chart. You can find information here 👇

Picture or drawing:

Now it's your turn: click here 
If you cannot print the worksheet, write the answers in your copybook.

5) Have you finished? Congratulations! You have completed your assignment.  Thanks!💪

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